Project brutality 3.0 test march
Project brutality 3.0 test march

project brutality 3.0 test march

Mechanical focused recommendation presentation OCP NIC presentation to Server Workgroup & Incubation Committee OCP NIC 3.0 PCIe® Gen3/Gen4 CLB/CBB Fixtures OCP NIC 3.0 Thermal Test Fixtures Collateral (Schematic, Layout)

project brutality 3.0 test march

OCP NIC 3.0 Thermal Test Fixtures Collateral (Mechanical) OCP NIC 3.0 Shock & Vibe Fixtures Collateral (Mechanical drawings) OCP NIC 3.0 PCIe® Gen4 CLB/CBB Fixtures Collateral (Schematics, Layout & BOM) OCP NIC 3.0 PCIe® Gen3 CLB/CBB Fixtures Collateral (Schematics, Layout & BOM) OCP Mezz 2.0 Mechanical Examples P1-P9 K1-K5 OCP NIC 3.0 FRU - Intel Basic Example for Rev1.1 Spec OCP NIC 3.0 FRU - Intel Basic Example for Rev1.0 Spec Pinout Table and PCIe bifurcation decoder OCP Mezzanine Card 0.5 Specification (without change bar) OCP Mezzanine Card 2.0 Specification (without change bar) OCP NIC 3.0 Specification (without change bar) OCP NIC 3.0 Specification (with change bar) More information about OCP events can be found at: Documents - OCP Presentation Template - please contact Michael Schill or Archna Haylock for a copy Release Candidate (RC) Docs Name OCP NIC monthly project meeting (virtual) OCP NIC thermal workgroup meeting (virtual) Take community feedback and make iterations to proposal before submitting major revision to work group and IC Share both challenges and opportunities Share the latest topics and trends related to OCP Mezz NIC spec We are here to build a supportive, informative and inclusive community:

project brutality 3.0 test march

Sub Project Lead - Damien Chong (Facebook) Guideline The goal of this subgroup is to form a healthy ecosystem in OCP NIC space, under OCP framework Welcome to the OCP NIC subgroup under OCP Server Work Group.

Project brutality 3.0 test march update#

4.2 Monthly NIC sub-group Update to Server Workgroup.4.1 Monthly NIC sub-group Community Meetings.

Project brutality 3.0 test march